Computer Shortcut Keys

Top 100+ Computer Shortcut Keyboard Keys in MS Office and Windows

In everyone’s life, MS Office becoming a major part, mostly in jobs. Even for children, it is essential to know some basic shortcuts to perform tasks that school gave to them. It means everyone children or adults should know how to work on MS Office and also have to know shortcuts to do tasks fast. 

At present nearly 90% of the world’s population is computers, so it is necessary to for them to know shortcuts. To make your work easy we have mentioned top computer shortcuts of MS Office and Windows so you do your task easily.

Computer Shortcut Keys A-Z Basic

When you use MS Office you often perform copy, paste, delete, etc to make tasks easy. However, using the mouse will take more time, so shortcuts are beneficial for completing tasks quickly. Below we have mentioned basic shortcut keys that come in use daily while working on MS Office.

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + ATo select all
Ctrl + BTo bold texts
Ctrl + CTo copy texts
Ctrl + DTo duplicate all selected items
Ctrl + ETo edit options
Ctrl + FTo find a particular word or phrase
Ctrl + GGo to the specific location
Ctrl + HReplace with another word(s)
Ctrl + ITo italic word(s)
Ctrl + JTo align the test on both sides left and right
Ctrl + KTo add hyperlinks in the text
Ctrl + LTo add text to the left
Ctrl + MTo minimise the active window
Ctrl + NTo create new documents to work
Ctrl + OTo open an existing document
Ctrl + PTo print opened document
Ctrl + QTo close the active window
Ctrl + RTo reload the page
Ctrl + STo save the document
Ctrl + UTo underline selected text
Ctrl + VTo paste the copied text
Ctrl + WTo close the active window
Ctrl + XTo remove and copy selected item or text
Ctrl + YTo redo the last undone action
Ctrl + ZTo undo the last action

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Computer Shortcut Keys MS Office Shortcut

Microsoft Office is an application software that has become a part of our lives to make work easier in personal and professional ways. MS Office includes much software which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, outlook, etc. Each application in MS Office is designed to solve our tasks like word processing spreadsheet management, or creating a presentation.

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + ETo Center Text
Ctrl + NFor New Document
Ctrl + OTo Open Document
Ctrl + STo Save Document
Ctrl + pTo Print Document
Ctrl + CTo Copy Text
Ctrl + XTo Cut Text or Item
Ctrl + VTo Paste Copied Text or Item
Ctrl + ZTo Undo
Ctrl + YTo Redo
Ctrl + ATo Select all
Ctrl + FTo Find Particular Text
Ctrl + HTo Replace
Ctrl + BTo Bold Text
Ctrl + ITo Italic Text
Ctrl + UTo Underline Text
Ctrl + PTo Open the print dialog
Ctrl + F2To See the Print preview

Computer Shortcut Keys MS Word

There are some more shortcuts apart from those mentioned above in MS Word which are mentioned below.

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + F3To Copy selected intel into the Spike
Ctrl + F4To Close the active document
Ctrl + F5Restore the document window size
Ctrl + F6Switch between open documents
Ctrl + F7Activate the Spelling and Grammar check
Ctrl + F8Extend a selection
Ctrl + F9Insert an empty field
Ctrl + F10Maximize the document window
Ctrl + F11Lock a field
Ctrl + F12Open the “Save As” dialog box

Computer Shortcut Keys MS Excel

Excel is important for many who always do tasks like business, finance, etc. To make your work a little easier we have mentioned some of the important shortcut keys.

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + Arrow keysMove the cursor to the edge of the row or column
Ctrl + SpaceUse to select an entire column
Ctrl + Shift + “+”Use to select an entire row
Ctrl + “-“Use to insert new worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + “$”Delete the particular selected cells
Ctrl + Shift + “%”Used to apply a currency format
Ctrl + Shift + “#”Used to apply percentage format
Ctrl + E, S, VUsed to apply date format
Ctrl + DWithout copying or cutting paste the above cell text
Ctrl + RTo paste the left cell without copying or cutting

Computer Shortcut Keys PowerPoint

Powerpoint is an application that is used to create presentations to teach students, present business ideas, etc. Here we have mentioned some of the shortcuts to help you.

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + EnterUsed to insert a new slide
Ctrl + MTo insert a new slide in the sorter view
F5To start the presentation to show in full-screen
Ctrl + F5Display the presentation from a particular or current slide
Alt + Shift + Left ArrowTo promote a paragraph
Alt + Shift + Right ArrowTo demote a paragraph
Ctrl + DTo duplicate the selected slide below
Ctrl + ETo align text in the centre

Computer Shortcut Keys other than MS Office

Some of the other shortcut keys are apart from MS Office that are used in day-to-day life. Some we have mentioned below.

Shortcut keysDescription
Alt + F4To shut down the computer or 
Win + RTo operate the run terminal
Win + TabSwitch to another desktop
Ctrl + Shift + CTo copy the path of the chosen file or folder
Alt + EnterTo see the property of the file or folder

General Windows Shortcut Keys

Some of the shortcut keys that are used in general Windows are mentioned below.

Shortcut keysDescription
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + xCut
Ctrl + VPaste 
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + YRedo
Ctrl + ASelect all
Ctrl + FFind
Ctrl + PPrint
F2Rename file or folder

File Explorer Shortcut Keys

Shortcut keysDescription
Ctrl + Shift + NTo create new a folder
Win + ETo open File Explorer
Alt + EnterOper property dialog box

Web Browsing Shortcut Keys (in most browsers)

Shortcut keysDescription
Ctrl + TTo open a new tab
Ctrl + WTo close the current tab
Ctrl + Shift + TTo reopen the closed tab
Ctrl + TabSwitch to the next tab
Ctrl + Shift + TabSwitch to the previous tab
Ctrl + NTo open new new browser tab separately
Ctrl + DUsed bookmark the current page in web browser

System Shortcut Keys

Shortcut keysDescription
Ctrl + Alt + DelTo open the Task Manager dialog box
Win + LTo lock the screen
Win + RTo open a run dialog box

Multimedia Shortcut Keys

Shortcut keysDescription
SpacebarTo play or pause media in the Media player
Left or right ArrowTo skip media in backwards or forward
Up or down arrowIncrease or decrease sound
Ctrl + Shift + EscTo open Task manager directly

Dialog Box Shortcut Keys

Shortcut keysDescription
Shift + TabMove to the previous control in the opened dialog box
TabJump to the next control in the opened dialog box
EnterTo activate the selected button

Screen Capture Shortcut Keys

Shortcut keysDescription
Prt scTo capture the whole screen
Alt + prt scCapture the whole active screen

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